Why homeowners need to care for their lawns more than ever before
If it’s not winter floods, it’s summer droughts… there’s no doubt our weather is getting more and more unpredictable – and more and more unfriendly to our lawns. It’s never been harder for homeowners to keep their lawns in great condition but, here’s the thing: it’s never been more desirable either.
- Despite the ups and downs of the economy, homeowners are still more than willing to spend money on their lawns and businesses like Lawnkeeper are doing better than ever. Why?
- Lawnkeeper’s services are very affordable, and hardly an expensive luxury. For the same cost as a couple of coffees a week, they can enjoy a highly professional service
- People value their homes and gardens more than ever before, especially after the pandemic and now that so many people work from home
- A great looking lawn has been shown to be very positive for both physical and mental health – and every little counts during these tricky times!
- Keeping a lawn in good condition plays a big part in protecting house prices. Even if people aren’t planning to move, it’s an investment which always pays off
However, with the changing climate, and ever more demands on our time, it is more and more difficult for homeowners to enjoy the lawn they deserve. Which is my a professional service like the one Lawnkeeper franchisees can offer is more in demand than ever before!

Have you seen the new video yet?
If you found the last video we posted useful (Lawnkeeper Owner & Founder, Sam Langrick, gives an overview of the business), then you’ll love the next one I’ve been working on with Sam.
You can view it below: Lawnkeeper Franchise: The Process
This time, we’ve focused on the practical processes of becoming a franchisee with Lawnkeeper and the steps you need to take to open your own lawn care business with their help. It’s about 20 minutes long (and all good stuff if I do say so myself!) so I recommend watching the whole thing.
However, here is a summary of where you can find the key info:
- What happens once you decide Lawnkeeper is the right opportunity for you (1m 20s)
- How we make sure you have all the information you need (2m 25s)
- What happens during our first call (3m 22s)
- The next step: a meeting with Sam, and why this is so important for both of you (4m 58s)
- How we help you with practical elements such as contracts and finance (10m 12s)
- The first stages of training: delivering the service and using the equipment (11m 36s)
- The second stage: day-to-day operations of your business and setting up systems (16m 33s)
- How Lawnkeeper continues to support you throughout your partnership (17m 53s)
Ready to take that next step?
If you’re ready to setup that first call with me and get the ball rolling, it really couldn’t be easier: just click the button below to schedule a call.
You won’t be under any obligation to take it further unless you want to, but this first step is the perfect chance for you to ask any questions you have.