Looking forward to going back to work after your summer break?
Sat working hard in the office all day when the suns out? Know it’s warm outside, but can’t get out and enjoy it because your job has you indoors all day? Dream of earning a proper living while soaking up some sunshine?
Well, while you’re dreaming about working out doors and running your own business, Lawnkeeper franchisees are out there living the dream! Not only are they heading into some of their busiest times of the year, but they’re enjoying the very best of the weather and managing their own time and setting their own agenda for a perfect work-life balance.
A lawn care business is a great choice for someone who wants a lifestyle where they are no office politics, no depressing commute, and no long hours you can’t control – just you, your van, and a whole lot of beautiful lawns!
As a Lawnkeeper business owner, you’ll have total freedom to choose your working hours and how you plan your day. Just imagine how wonderfully that would work on these long summer days. Who knows? You might even be able to clock off a bit early and spend some time with your family for a change…
That change starts with you
Hopefully, you’ve got a bit of a break planned over the summer and will get to enjoy a bit of sun – British weather permitting, of course! However, how do you usually feel when your holiday comes to an end? Full of enthusiasm for getting back to work, or dreading the return to the same old grind?
This summer could also be your chance to start laying your plans for the rest of the year, and for 2025.
While everyone is outdoors relaxing in the garden, or having friends around for a BBQ, they’re all looking at their lawns. Some may be really happy with them, whereas others want to do what they can to make them even more beautiful. Come autumn, they’ll be looking for a way to ensure their lawns look great all year round.
Those people could be your customers – if you’re ready for them.

So, why not take the first step and book a call with me to learn more?
Don’t forget, you don’t have to start from scratch – there is still a great resale opportunity on the table as the owner of Lawnkeeper Nottingham is set to retire within a couple of months. So, if you live near the area, or know someone who does and wants to jump straight in with an already established customer base in place, let me know!