About Us
What We Do
Fresh, green, healthy lawns are a joy to behold, and have a huge impact on the beauty of our homes and gardens. We give our customers the freedom to enjoy this by offering a superior lawn care service which they can count on to deliver results, and at a very affordable price.
Looking after your lawn is not an easy task – even for the most experienced gardener. Not only can it be time consuming, and sometimes back breaking, work with only the equipment available to most homeowners, but it’s a job that never really ends, no matter the season.
We take all the blood, sweat and tears out of lawn care by providing a regular service guaranteed to keep lawns at tip-top condition all year round.

This is primarily based around a 5 times a year ‘weed and feed’ service which is applied to a customer’s lawn using professional spreading and spraying equipment. However, we offer a wide range of services designed to improve our customers’ gardens, including:
Disease Control
Moss Control
Weed Control
Top Dressing
Total weed control
Hard surface weed control
Hard surface cleaner
Hydration - wetting agents
We also specialise in providing solutions for a variety of lawn problems such as weather and seasonal damage, patchy growth, discoloration, and all manner of invasive flora, fungus, and pests.