About Us
Why We Franchised
We wanted to attract highly motivated and talented individuals who could help us expand the brand to pastures new all the across the country, and we came to understand that franchising was the best way for us to do this. By building a format that allowed people to take control of their own profitable business, be their own boss, and benefit from a proven system, we could recruit new partners that had the same personal interest and commitment to the brand that we have.

However, we have always taken a methodical approach to how we run our business, and saw no reason why we should treat franchising any differently if we really wanted to make ourselves stand out as an incredible business opportunity. We started out by piloting our systems in some trial territories so that we could really put our business model through its paces. These pilots were a huge success, and allowed us to review and tweak our systems until they worked perfectly.
We were then in a position to roll out a template to any number of new territories, and the network has grown consistently ever since. However, we’ve never stopped striving to be the best lawn care franchise opportunity possible, and are constantly reviewing and improving what we can offer both customers and franchisees.
By focusing on building a business first, and a franchise second, we have ensured that we have everything in place to help our partners succeed. Every aspect of the business has been about doing everything right from the very beginning, making sure our product and service is the best it can possibly be, and that all our systems have been rigourously tested.
By taking the time to put a tried and tested business model in place, we are giving all our franchisees everything they need to succeed and be ahead of the game before they even start.